Meal Break Policy

Meal and Rest Periods

Sunrose California Eatery strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment and comply with all federal and state regulations regarding meal and rest periods. Check with your Supervisor regarding procedures and schedules for meal and rest periods.

The Restaurant requests that employees observe and accurately record meal periods in time and attendance records. If you know in advance that you may not be able to take an uninterrupted scheduled meal or rest period, let your Supervisor know; in addition, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible if you were unable to take or were prohibited from taking an uninterrupted scheduled meal or rest period.

Meal and rest periods are intended to provide employees with an opportunity to be away from work, and employees are not permitted to perform any work during meal and rest periods.

Meal Periods

If you are nonexempt and work more than five hours in a workday, you will be provided an unpaid, uninterrupted 30-minute/one-hour meal period no later than the end of your fifth hour of work and will be required to "clock out" from the timekeeping system. If you work fewer than six hours in a work day, you may mutually agree with your Supervisor to waive the meal period.

If you are nonexempt and work more than 10 hours in a workday, you will be provided a second unpaid, uninterrupted 30-minute/one-hour meal period no later than the end of your tenth hour of work. Depending on your occupation, if you work no more than 12 hours in a workday and have taken the first meal period, you may mutually agree with your Supervisor to waive the second meal period.

See your Supervisor for procedures related to requesting to waive a meal period in the above circumstances.

Rest Periods

If you are nonexempt, you will also be provided paid, 10-minute rest periods based on total hours worked daily and you are not required to "clock out" from the timekeeping system. You will receive 10 minutes of uninterrupted rest time for every four hours of work, or major portion of each four hours worked. Accordingly, if you work:

  • Less than three and a half hours, you are not entitled to a rest period.

  • Three and a half to six hours, you are entitled to a 10-minute rest period.

  • Six to 10 hours, you are entitled to two 10-minute rest periods.

  • Ten to 14 hours, you are entitled to three 10-minute rest periods.

Rest periods are to be taken in the middle of the four-hour work period when possible. Rest periods should not be combined or added to meal periods or used to start work later or end work early.